\version "2.13.18" \include "..\SHRepeats_Dots.ly" global = { \key c \major % really a minor \time 4/4 \sacredHarpHeads \autoBeamOff } \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter" 'landscape) line-width = 10\in horizontal-shift = 0.175\in top-margin = 0.3\in % bottom-margin = 0.5\in ragged-last = ##f ragged-bottom = ##t % system-count = #2 %Suggests to Lilypond how many braces to use for this piece. evenHeaderMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { \bold \fontsize #3 \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'header:title } \large \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string " " } } oddHeaderMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { \bold \fontsize #3 \on-the-fly #not-first-page \fromproperty #'header:title } \large \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string " " } } } \header { title = \markup { \caps "Sinai." } %Tune name and hymn meter poet = \markup { "A Minor. Isaac Watts." } %key and poet composer = " " %Tune composer and date tagline = ##f %Turns off annoying Lilypond version stamp on bottom of page } trebleMusic = \relative c'' { a1 a2 c4( a) b2 b c2( b4) a gis2. gis4 a b c4. ( d8 c4) b a gis a1 r2 c2 b4 b b b c4.( d8 e4) d8[ c] b2. c8.[ b16] a4 a b c b( a) gis2 a1 r2 b2 c4 c8[ b] a4 a e'4.( d8 c4) b c2( b4) g a a8.[ b16] c4 c c4.( d8 c4) b8[ a] b2. b4 c c c c8.[ d16] e4.( f8 e4) b c2( b2) r2 b2 c4.( d8 e4) e c4.( b8 a4) b c( a) gis2 a1 } altoMusic = \relative c' { \clef alto e1 e2 e e e e4( a g) e e2. e4 e e8[ f] g2 g4 f e e e1 r2 e2 g4 g g g8[ f] e2. a4 g2. g8[ f] e4 e8[ f] g4 a g f e2 e1 r2 g2 e4 e e e a2. g4 g2. g4 e e e e8.[ f16] g4.( f8 e4) f e2. e4 e e e e e2( a4) g g1 r2 g2 e e a2( e4) f e2 e e1 } tenorMusic = \relative c'' { a1 c2 a4( c) b2 e c4( a d) c b2. b4 c d e4.( g8 e4) d c b a1 r2 c2 e4 e e e8[ g] g2. f4 e2. e4 c c e e d( c) b2 a1 r2 e'2 c4 c c c a4.( b8 c4) d e2. e4 c c8.[ b16] a4 a g4.( a8 g4) f e2. e4 a a a a8.[ b16] c4.( d8 c4) d e1 r2 e2 c a c4.( d8 e4) d c2 b a1 } bassMusic = \relative f { \clef bass a,1 a'2 a, e' e a( g4) a e2. e4 a g8[ f] e4.( d8 c4) d e e a,1 r2 a'2 e4 e e e8[ d] c2. d4 e2. e4 a a e c g'( a) e2 a,1 r2 e'2 a4 a a a c4.( b8 a4) b e,2. e4 a a a, a c2. d4 e2. e4 a, a a a a'2. b4 e,1 r2 e2 a a, a'4.( b8 c4) b a2 e a,1 \bar ".|." } verseTreble = \lyricmode { % \set stanza = "1." O the immense, the a -- ma -- zing height, The bound -- less gran -- deur of our God, Who treads the worlds be -- neath his feet, And sways the na -- tions with his nod! He speaks: and lo, all na -- ture shakes, Heav'n's e -- ver -- las -- ting pil -- lars bow; He rends the clouds with hi -- deous cracks. And shoots his fie -- ry ar -- rows through. } verseAlto = \lyricmode { } verseTenor = \lyricmode { % \set stanza = "1." O the immense, the a -- ma -- zing height, The bound -- less gran -- deur of our God, Who treads the worlds be -- neath his feet, And sways the na -- tions with his nod! He speaks: and lo, all na -- ture shakes, Heav'n's e -- ver -- las -- ting pil -- lars bow; He rends the clouds with hi -- deous cracks. And shoots his fie -- ry ar -- rows through. } verseBass = \lyricmode { } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff = "treble" { \global \trebleMusic } \addlyrics { \verseTreble } \new Staff = "alto" { \global \altoMusic } % \addlyrics { \verseAlto } \new Staff = "tenor" { \global \tenorMusic } \addlyrics { \verseTenor } \new Staff = "bass" { \global \bassMusic } % \addlyrics { \verseBass } >> \layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 20) % target is 20 indent = #0 \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" %Gets rid of measure numbers at the beginning of each brace \override SpanBar #'transparent = ##t %Turns off staff lines between staves \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1.5 \override StanzaNumber #'font-size = #-1.5 \override StanzaNumber #'font-series = #'medium \override VoltaBracket #'stencil = ##f } \context { \Staff \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3) \override BarLine #'stencil = #with-shapenote-repeats } } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 4) %Sets the metronome speed and value of the beat } } }